The new season of American Idol is gearing up for the debut in January 2006, and that means the audition process is happening now. Every year, the auditions come around this same time, and people always ask me if I'm going to audition. Of course, there is the part of me that pauses for two seconds while I debate putting myself through the hell that is auditioning, but then my commen sense takes over and I refuse.
I'm trying to use my new found job at the radio stations in Ventura for purposes beyond work. I've met someone who does professional demos, and I'm thinking about using him soon to create my own demo. It'd be 3 songs, and I'd have copies to send out to people when I'm looking to audition for things or book singing gigs. Perhaps I could start actually entertaining and earning money while doing it?!?
A group of co-workers is planning on going out for karaoke on Saturday evening, and if it happens, I'll post the location so anyone in the area can join us to partake in the fun. Otherwise, I'm staying FAR AWAY from anything Idol audition related.
hi my name is maria i can sing and i not going to go on the show to prove to you that i can i know deep down in my haret i can... thank you maria
Hi this ya gurl Neweezy and I would like to enter the show so if you lookin 4 a star get at me.
If you want talent, then you need to come to Joplin Missouri! REPRESENT MO.!!!!!!!!!
email me at if you're a fan of american idol. you know, just to chat. i love music, singing, and playin guitar. 17/male/ MO. I don't care who you are or what you look like, just holla out ya'll.
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